Online Course Delivery Platform
The school uses the Genius/Edgenuity online program, which is monitored by the teachers under an independent study model where students and parents meet bi-weekly with the teacher to review progress in courses. Genius/Edgenuity provides engaging online and blended learning education solutions that propel success for every student, empower every teacher to deliver more effective instruction, and enable schools and districts to meet their academic goals. Genius/Edgenuity courses are aligned to the rigor and high expectations of state, Common Core standards and designed to inspire lifelong learning. Students, parents, and teachers are able to access the information and curriculum in Genius/Edgenuity which allows parents 24 hour, 7 days a week access to their students current grades and time logged in. The courses in Genius/Edgenuity have been approved through the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) A-G program and offer a strong college preparation for students.
Students attending our k-5 program use Genius online curriculum only, while grades 6-12 utilize the online curriculum, Edgenuity.
Teacher Directed Learning Labs and Workshops
In addition to the online learning, teachers provide parent instructional workshops utilizing AVID strategies, blended learning opportunities, tutorials, and field trips for student engagement. In the 2017/18 school year, learning labs have been incorporated into the instructional day for students needing additional supports in ELA and Math. Biology Labs have also been incorporated into the school year for students to meet the A-G lab component in Science. Students are also now capable of attending art class twice a week to complete their fine art requirement. These art classes are done in conjunction with Edgenuity art curriculum. The experiences allow students to engage directly with teachers and other students keeping the connection between school and home.
Teachers at 21st Century promote student mastery of skills through the demonstration of student learning where students transfer their understanding of information and apply their learning by demonstrating a variety of outcomes including real world scenarios. Our teachers are in the beginning stages of incorporating blended learning experiences through the use of in person learning labs and technology where students can critically think, collaborate, communicate and create to enhance their home to school connection and to promote positive student learning outcomes.
Intervention curriculum is used to support students in the areas of Math and ELA. Students in the ninth grade will take a Academic Success/Digital Citizen elective course to support academic success in our program. Research based instructional support methodologies are used to expand college and career preparation through extensive focus note-taking (Cornell style), reading comprehension, and organization.
The district uses iReady as a diagnostic tool that supports assessing where students are with regards to grade level competencies and then providing teachers with instructional supports to support students with closing achievement gaps. This curriculum (iReady and MyPath), as well as Enrichment Learning Labs are being utilized to support and target all student subgroups in need of remediation supports.
1:1 Technology District
It is the goal of BUSD to provide students with opportunities that include access to curriculum through technology. Students are provided with the electronic devices necessary for accessing the program as Beaumont Unified is a 1:1 technology district.
Other Learning Opportunities
Students have additional program options including: Work Experience, Career Technical Education, and other elective choices that they can dual-enroll in at Beaumont High School. Students at 21st CLI can also dual-enroll in foreign languages classes, lab sciences and ROTC programs. The CTE courses offered at BHS include: Health Science and Medical Technology, Public Services, Business and Finance, Arts Media and Entertainment, Engineering Occupations, Information Communication Technology and Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation. These CTE courses are taken at progressive levels of student proficiency and mastery. Students are evaluated at the end of these courses by taking the college articulated class where they can receive college credit for the class if they pass the exam.
The Counselor discusses with students their post-secondary college/career pathways and from this pathway exploration the student has various program choices, including: Work Experience and Career Technical Education( CTE). Students at 21st Century can co-enroll in CTE courses at Beaumont High School in the areas of Digital Media, Culinary Arts, Engineering, Theater Tech., Robotics, Law Enforcement, JROTC and Medical Sciences. The measurable outcome of these courses are for students to become proficient enough in the content area to pass a college exam and receive college credits for the course(s). The district has a Career Technical Education Advisory Committee (CTEAC) where stakeholders consisting of district personnel, students, teachers, parents, principals and community members come together quarterly to discuss and make decisions about Beaumont Unified's CTE programs.