21st CLI At A Glance: School Profile
The 21st Century Learning Institute (CLI) was opened on August 13, 2014 with the intent to serve the community at large meeting the needs of students and families that prefer or need an alternative setting for high school, middle school and elementary school while teaching California State Standards and maintaining high expectations for college and career readiness in the 21st century. The 21st CLI is located on the alternative education campus.
The purpose of 21st CLI is to provide additional learning opportunities for families in BUSD and its surrounding areas; it was developed to meet the needs of the 21st Century Learners and the growing community that it serves. This school replaces a traditional independent study program and has increased the rigor of instruction delivered through a distance-learning program for students who need a more flexible learning environment. The school currently serves approximately 100 students in grades K-12.
Independent Studies Master Agreement
A Master Agreement is signed that stipulates Independent Study Expectations at the first parent/student/teacher meeting. Contracts that are violated are subject to students receiving strikes. After three strike letters and a meeting with the principal occurs, students are subject to be returned back to their comprehensive school site. Strikes can occur due to missed meetings and lack of attendance/work completed.
All students will be scheduled to take an intake diagnostic exam in ELA and Math upon transferring into 21st CLI
21st CLI uses the following curriculum:
21st CLI uses the following curriculum:
Grades K-5 Virtual Model: Acellus Online Curriculum
Grades K-5 Textbook Model: District adopted curriculum + Compass Learning - (Pathblazer - Grade Level curriculum + supplemental support ELA and Math)
Grades 6-8 Virtual Model: Acellus and Edgenuity Online Curriculum (My Path - Remediation supplemental support 6-8)
Grades 9-12 Virtual Model: Acellus and Edgenuity Online Curriculum (My Path - Remediation supplemental support 9-12)
Grades K-5 Textbook Model: District adopted curriculum + Compass Learning - (Pathblazer - Grade Level curriculum + supplemental support ELA and Math)
Grades 6-8 Virtual Model: Acellus and Edgenuity Online Curriculum (My Path - Remediation supplemental support 6-8)
Grades 9-12 Virtual Model: Acellus and Edgenuity Online Curriculum (My Path - Remediation supplemental support 9-12)
Acellus and Edgenuity Online Curriculum
Our Acellus and Edgenuity online curriculum is monitored by the teachers under an independent study model where students and parents meet weekly/bi-weekly with the teacher to review progress in courses. The courses in Acellus and Edgenuity have been approved through the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) A-G program and can offer a strong college preparation to students. Students, parents, and teachers are able to access the information and curriculum in Edgenuity which allows parents 24 hour, 7 days a week access to their students current grades and time logged in. It is the goal of BUSD to provide students with opportunities that include access to curriculum through technology. Students are provided with the electronic devices necessary for accessing the program.Attendance/Passing Rate Requirements
Students are required to do a minimum of 20 hours per week of assigned work to remain in Independent Studies (Students may exceed the 20 hours in order to earn required or additional credits.)
Satisfactory Academic Progress is defined by students having at least a 70% actual grade in all coursework assigned. Students that don’t finish a course with at least a 59.5% of the total points will receive an F.
There are four teachers on staff at 21st CLI and all are fully credentialed for the state of California and meet the criteria for teaching independent study. Each staff member is regularly evaluated according to district policy. Each teacher has a caseload of students whom they meet with on a bi-weekly or as needed basis to mentor, assign, and assist with work. All four teachers possess the Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) certificate. We also have a special education teacher on consult. Our support staff consists of one academic counselor, one mental health counselor, one custodian, one child nutrition services provider, a health and attendance clerk and a secretary 4.