Background and History of our Community and School
Beaumont, California
Beaumont is located in the San Gorgonio Pass of Riverside County at the junction of the 10 and 60 freeways and serves the students from both rural and suburban communities. Beaumont has a population of 45,349 according to the 2016 census. There has been a 23% increase in the population in Beaumont since the 2010 census. The population is expected to be 125,000 by 2040, making Beaumont one of California's fastest growing cities.
The city encompasses 30.92 square miles and is located in the County of Riverside nestled in the San Gorgonio Pass area. Beaumont USD has an enrollment of just under 10,000 students. Over the last 10 years enrollment has grown at a rapid pace as people find the area to be a desirable place to relocate.
Beaumont USD is 51% Hispanic, 32.9% Caucasian, 5.9% African American, 2.8% two or more races, 2.8% Asian, 0.4 Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 0.4% non-reported . Approximately, 61% of our students are socioeconomically disadvantaged, our English Learner population is 13.3% and our special education population is 10.6%. Beaumont USD serves our students through various programs including: six elementary schools (Tk5), two middle schools (6-8), one comprehensive high school (9-12), one continuation high school, one independent study/online school, and one adult education school.
21st Century Learning Institute
The 21st Century Learning Institute (CLI) was opened on August 13, 2014 with the intent to serve the community at large meeting the needs of students and families that prefer or need an alternative setting for high school while maintaining high expectations for college and career readiness in the 21st century. The 21st CLI is located on the alternative education campus.
The purpose of 21st CLI is to provide additional learning opportunities for families in the BUSD, and it was developed to meet the needs of the 21st Century Learner and the growing community that it serves. This school replaces a traditional independent study program and has increased the rigor of instruction delivered through a distance-learning program for students who need a more flexible learning environment. Our site continues to work to provide parents with opportunities to contribute to our organization.
Expanded Learning Opportunities
Since the 2016/17 school year, we have continued to offer parents opportunities to attend campus events. Parents are invited to School Site Council meetings quarterly. They are also invited to attend quarterly instructional workshops, WASC focus group meetings, yearly surveys, and student of the month celebrations. We continue to strive to increase parent participation at 21st Century Learning Institute. Our site also has worked to establish relationships with our community. In the 2016/17 school year, Altura Credit Union partnered with our local Sizzler, the city of Beaumont and Banning, as well as other local businesses to provide students with monthly sponsored student of the month awards where Seniors are selected and honored for their perseverance and academic efforts. These same students are sponsored by our local businesses at the end of the year for an award's dinner where one student is selected and provided a cash scholarship from the local sponsors.
Work Experience and Internships
Dr. Ebon Brown, our Chief Innovation Officer, has also partnered with local businesses for paid internships for our students who are interested. These local businesses include: Boys and Girls Club, Rubyś Diner, Bogh Engineering, Luther´s Truck and Equipment, Beaumont Chamber, and Eco Pro LLC. Our students have also been invited to an Electrician Boot Camp in the 2017/18 school year for paid internships with Inland Empire Electrical Training Center. These community partnerships (paid internships) were new to the 2017/18 school year and our teachers continue to solicit these opportunities to our high school students. Contact Mr. Brian Lindenman for Work Experience Opportunities.